What is MusicAirport?
Read our basic information!
How, where?
Our signal is generated by our Control Tower in Faenza, Italy. It reaches our streaming server in Paris, France. From Italy to France and then straight to the World!
With the
great aid of some broadcasting applications.
That's it.
Interested in opening your corporate webradio?
What is your FM frequency?
We don't need a FM frquency. We only transmit over the internet.
I am a musical genius, will you
play my songs?
It's possible. Send us your song in Mp3 192kbps format. If we like
it, be sure!
The email to send us your mp3 files is: hangar@musicairport.com
Can i suggest a song?
Sure, let us know!
I have an huge collection/experience about
can it be usefull for your project?
Yeah! Welcome aboard!
What about making a donation?